4th Professional Piercers Poland Conference

20-22.09.2024 Gdańsk

Paul King 

In 1991, Paul King began a 1½-year piercing apprenticeship under Elayne Angel, author of The Piercing Bible. He worked in all three and managed two of the former Gauntlet locations. He has lectured on body modification since 1993.
He graduated from UC Berkeley with a B.A. degree, highest honors in Anthropology. He was awarded the title of Master Piercer by Gauntlet’s founder Jim Ward. In 1999, he opened Cold Steel, a piercing and tattooing shop in San Francisco.
He has served as a board-appointed treasurer of the non-profit Association of Professional Piercer since 2008. In 2014, he founded the Body Piercing Archive.

Jef Saunders

Jef Saunders has been a piercer since the late 1990’s. He is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP) @safepiercing and ASTM International. Jef has been involved in piercing education around the world, including private lectures, the Fakir Intensives, and performing classes for the APP, UKAPP, LBP, and GEP.
Jef writes extensively about piercing in his Piercing Nerd blog on Patreon. He has written for The Point, The Journal of Emergency Nursing, and contributed to the Revised and Expanded edition of The Piercing Bible.
Jef has served on the Board of Directors of the APP in many capacities, most notably President from 2016-2019. Jef is a recipient of the APP’s President’s Award.

Cale Belford

Cale has been piercing since 2005 and owns Oleander Piercing in Worcester, Massachusetts, USA. She is currently serving as the Vice President for the Association of Professional Piercers (@safepiercing ) and volunteers much of her time with various APP committees throughout the year, and working on other projects for the APP. She especially enjoys engaging with new piercers in the industry and helping piercers make changes in their studios.
Cale has been a speaker for years at many conferences around the world in person and online including APP, BMX, UKAPP, RUAPP and more. She offers seminars and travels often doing guest spots in America and The Netherlands. She has also been featured in educational publications and podcasts.
In her free time, Cale enjoys traveling the world and petting all the cats. She’s an experienced knitter and music enthusiast and is always going to gigs when she travels.

Rob Hill

Meet Rob Hill, the owner of Prysm Jewelry & Piercing, established in 2011. Originally from Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Rob has found his home in Des Moines, Iowa, USA. His studio boasts local accolades such as „Best Local Body Piercing Studio” and „Best Local Jewelry Store” (CityView Magazine) a testament to his unwavering commitment to excellence, and continual pursuit of elevated standards.

With a remarkable two decades of piercing expertise spanning North America since 2000, Rob has attended Fakir Intensives (2002 Basic, 2014 Advanced), and is a distinguished member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP) since 2012. He is a part of the H2Ocean Proteam (since 2006), and not only does he excel as a piercer, but also assumes the role of a senior instructor at the annual APP Conference. Rob’s commitment to the industry and continued education, boasts attendance at over 60 body art conventions, regular attendance at the APP conference (Las Vegas since 2010), all Camp APP events, as well as international conferences such as GEP & LBP.

Rob’s craftsmanship extends beyond piercing as he has been manufacturing body jewelry since 1998. His bespoke creations, which feature precious metals and gemstones, are a hallmark of personalized and unforgettable experiences for clients. This commitment to excellence extends to his educational pursuits, where Rob imparts his hyper-focused insights on body jewelry in a classroom setting.

Drawing from a rich tapestry of personal and professional experiences, Rob’s diverse range of classes reflect the challenges and passions that have shaped his illustrious career, demonstrating a well-rounded professionalism that sets him apart in the industry.

Ryan Ouellette

Ryan Ouellette (he/him) has been a professional body piercer in New Hampshire in the United States for over 20 years. Ryan is a current member of the Association of Professional Piercers @safepiercing and served on the APP’s Board of Directors from 2016-2019. Ryan splits his work time between professional piercing and instructing body art education classes both in person and online. Since the start of the covid era Ryan has produced webinars and piercing educational videos for on-demand viewing at www.patreon.com/ryanpba. He has instructed classes at the APP’s annual conference in the United States as well as at conferences in the United Kingdom, Germany, Mexico, and Brazil. Ryan is the producer and host of the Piercing Wizard Podcast @piercingwizardpodcast , and in his spare time enjoys travelling and watching professional wrestling.

Kenneth Crespo

Kenny Crespo is a Chicano piercer who has been piercing for 14yrs and a APP member since 2013. He has taught classes internationally including APP, UK APP, GEP, BMX Net and LBP.

Agata Chodera

Mam na imię Agata i aktualnie mieszkam w Warszawie. Piercingiem profesjonalnie zajmuję się od 2017 roku i od tego czasu regularnie się rozwijam - na szkoleniach, kursach i konferencjach w Polsce i za granicą (PPP, BMX, czy UKAPP - w 2024r. również jako prelegentka). W maju zeszłego roku otworzyłam swoje pierwsze studio piercingu Uciechy i chociaż był to najbardziej stresujący okres w mojej karierze doszłam już do punktu, w którym przynosi mi ono faktycznie więcej radości niż stresu. Gdy nie przekłuwam zajmuję się złotnictwem, ćwiczę jogę i gram w tenisa, fotografuję, wyjeżdżam, głaszczę zwierzaki oraz uczę się grać na pianinie.

J’son D’souza

I’m 46 years old and I’ve been professionally piercing for over 15 years and an educator since 5 years.
I conduct piercing seminars in India to increase awareness around heath and safety and benefits of Quality jewellery and quality tools.
Before getting into this profession I have been an educator in India, United Kingdom and in Egypt.

Doktor X

Cześć! mam na imię Marcin, piercingiem zainteresowałem się jeszcze jako dziecko a od kiedy skończyłem 15 lat w zasadzie nic poza tym się nie liczyło. Pierwszą posadę piercera otrzymałem w wieku 18 lat i tak się to ciągnie do dzisiaj. Przez ostatnie 19 lat miałem okazję pracować oraz wymieniać doświadczenia z wieloma artystami z całego świata nieustannie podnosząc standardy swojej pracy. Kilka lat temu otworzyłem pierwsze studio piercingu Piercing Room @piercingroom w Krakowie (a być może i w Polsce), w którym na co dzień pracuje jako piercer oraz prowadzę szkolenia. Przez te wszystkie lata udało mi się uniknąć wypalenia zawodowego i dalej chętnie odwiedzam konferencje branżowe, pozyskuje wiedzę, którą wprowadzam w życie.

Jane Absinth

Jane has been piercing since 2014 and since July 2018 owns a small piercing only studio in Düsseldorf, Germany.
In the fall of 2016 Jane joined the German Association of professional piercers, the VPP @verbandprofessionellerpiercer as a member and served for the Board of the VPP from the 2017 till the 2021.
In 2016, Jane received the Al D. Scholarship for the APP Conference and was a part of the APP @safepiercing volunteer team from 2017 to 2019.
In 2018, 2019 and 2021 Jane was speaking at the RuAPP (Russian Association of professional Piercers) Conference and has been part of the RuAPP orga-team since 2020.
Jane started her journey as a speaker teaching the classes about basic knowledge of jewelry and piercings at the BMXnet in 2017 and found out, that exactly this is where the knowledge can expand at it’s most: revisiting the basics can bring a lot more than one could have expected. Jane’s motto is “never stop being curious”. Since 2017 Jane has been teaching classes at BMXnet solo as well as together with her colleagues from the VPP.
In the afterhours Jane is a passionate traveller and her most favourite places on Earth are vulcanic islands in the middle of the ocean. Also she is a fan of outer space and likes spending an evening at an orrery.

Wojtek Przychodzki

Mam na imię Wojtek i od 18 lat mam to szczęście, że robię to co kocham. Swoją przygodę z profesjonalnym przekłuwaniem ciała rozpocząłem w 2006 roku. Obecnie mieszkam w Edynburgu w Szkocji gdzie wraz z kumplem prowadzimy studio Absolute BodyArt, w którym pracuję jako piercer i tatuator.
Od 2010 roku regularnie podróżuję po świecie biorąc udział w różnych spotkaniach branżowych co pozwala mi na pozytywne i profesjonalne podejście do każdego z naszej branży.
Dzięki temu, zgłębiając tajniki profesji od najlepszych, nieustannie podnoszę standardy swojej pracy. Największy nacisk kładę przede wszystkim na higienę zabiegu, techniki przekłuć, wysokiej jakości biżuterię, estetykę oraz miłą atmosferę.
Od 2013 roku jestem liderem grupy Bliss of Pain zajmującej się rytualnym podwieszaniem ciała.
W 2019 roku dołączyłem do stowarzyszenia PPP, którego obecnie jestem wice prezesem i wraz z Beatą i Anetą organizujemy coroczną konferencję dla piercerów z Polski ale nie tylko.

Andre Berg

My Name is Andre (Andrenalin Bodyar), I am a professional Piercer since 2010. And offer several Bodymodifications since 2013. I was a founding member of the VPP @verbandprofessionellerpiercer (German piercer association) in 2015 and am still a member.
I started teaching piercing seminars 5 years ago at BMX.net an am very proud and happy to be invited to be and teach in Poland!
in 2022 i started to work for NeoMetal jewelry in germany and austria as a sales agent. Since june 2023 i run "Alternative Aesthetics @alternative_aesthetics_ , my own Piercing- & Bodymodification studio in Leipzig, germany.
I am looking forward very much to be part of the polish conference and get to meet you all. I am always happy to share, so if you see me at conference and you have questions, don`t hesitate to ask :-)

Dr n. med. Karol Kołkowski

Dr n. med. Karol Kołkowski, aktualnie pracownik naukowy Kliniki Dermatologii,
Wenerologii i Alergologii Gdańskiego Uniwersytetu Medycznego oraz lekarz stażysta w
Uniwersyteckim Centrum Klinicznym w Gdańsku. W pracy naukowej zajmuje się dermato-
onkologią ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem chłoniaków pierwotnych skóry T-komórkowych.

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